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Location: Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes

Ahora mismo carezco de datos personales.Me los tatue en el pecho como el de Memento pero no invertí la letra y ahora cuando me miro en el espejo no entiendo que pone.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

SEA (a.k.a Daemonium Bellus)

Everyone is taken away
to the pink background
Everyone is taken away
to the distance of never

Tell me my friend,who's going away?
It's me who's staying and you who's moving?
I'll tell you my friend who's gonna stay
Can you tell me how's the river?
Tell me my friend,who's going away?
It's you who's staying and me who's moving?
I'll tell you my friend who's gonna stay
I can tell you how's the Sea

April 1997


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