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Location: Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes

Ahora mismo carezco de datos personales.Me los tatue en el pecho como el de Memento pero no invertí la letra y ahora cuando me miro en el espejo no entiendo que pone.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Alice June

In darkness I was found
In darkness I was left
just to reveal secrets of the pain
deadly for sense
where I'll never head

And I saw the wings that make me small
And I prayed the wind:-"please,don't take her away"
but she spanked me with her metal feathers

Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye

I saw my self smile
As punishment I eat sand
with the softness of her hand
with the shame of the moon
I'll always remember June
in December

And the stars we are counting are the same
and I wonder why they always cherish her first
I wish the sky was made out of mercury
so I could see her face reflected in it

Her face reflected in the sky
She dies,but only for sight
Try not to say goodbye
and I'll promise I won't cry

Her metal ways to float made me so frail
Although I'm brave I still alive
so let me send you in a feather my blood
so let me send you in a letter my love

The heat of truth doesn't lie
Ally in Cupid's fire nights
Alive in Venus cristal eyes
How?How to say goodbye?


July 1998


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