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Location: Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes

Ahora mismo carezco de datos personales.Me los tatue en el pecho como el de Memento pero no invertí la letra y ahora cuando me miro en el espejo no entiendo que pone.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Let them be Pretty

And I know for who begins love
and I know for who begins not
Beyond this magnet lies
lies the sense of meanings

And beyond the sky there's Heaven
full of lies
and beyond there's nothing
I am there waiting for you
'cause I feel save

With the calm of cleanliness
loneliness here stays inmaculate
forgiving sentences
forgetting faces

'cause beyond your blood and skin there's you
and beyond your purity
You are there waiting asleep
for this walls to come down

November 2000


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