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Location: Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes

Ahora mismo carezco de datos personales.Me los tatue en el pecho como el de Memento pero no invertí la letra y ahora cuando me miro en el espejo no entiendo que pone.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Sound of your Skin

You told me "gasoline"
with a gaze of fire
You told me "gasoline"
enough to ride a car
on a highway that never reaches the horizon...

...the horizon of you
Your horizon
crosses my fate
far before my eyes
and so I look for a reason
not for an excuse
to stand still and watch

...the horizon of you
your horizon...

Far beyond the seas
by the realms of your skin
announcing divine collisions
there it lies...

your horizon...the horizon of you

September 16th 2000


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