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Location: Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes

Ahora mismo carezco de datos personales.Me los tatue en el pecho como el de Memento pero no invertí la letra y ahora cuando me miro en el espejo no entiendo que pone.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Velvet Deluxe

You took the way
that I've been searching
...too slowly
And here we are
I'm the last softly

I can't believe,I can't believe

Can't believe what it seems to release you
Can't release what it seems to believe you
Candles lead the way to tragedy...

You told about the mirrors of fate
but that was just a lie...the ones I made
You told me about the colors of fire
staring to the Sun I burnt my eyes
I can't believe,I can't believe

January 2000


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